conrad simpson

lonely planet london 2024

i quite enjoy being a tour-guide for friends, both new and old, and therefore spent a large chunk of time plotting every-single location listed in lonely planet's London travel guide (2024 edition) on google maps.

if there was an offline map, a-la OrganicMaps, that had really good desktop capabilities I would have plotted it on there but for now google still has the easiest-to-use and fastest system for pinning locations, at least in a way that I can access both on my phone and on my computer.

the main advantage I get from this is that if I go to one thing, say the BFI Southbank to see a movie that isn't showing anywhere else, I can see what is nearby straightaway. For this reason it has been very common for me and my gf to go to friend's hotels or nearest train station, and explore an area i'm previously unfamiliar with without being hella lost or embarassed.

this summer I had a strangely thorough explore of westminster, canada water, swiss cottage + camden, hampstead, and hammersmith (where I'm based currently).

anyway, enough dabbling here is the link